Wednesday, October 10, 2012

3. MQX Events. Event Handling, Building an Event based application


Events can be used to synchronize tasks. Just to make it simpler, you can imagine an event a bit in the 32 bit integer number (mostly, that is the word size of a MQX RTOS).
So this is how it would happen:
a) Somebody-1 would be waiting for this bit to be set. Until this bit is set that somebody would be stuck.
b) And Somebody-2 would set that bit so that somebody-1 can proceed further.
So in crude and very layman sense, events in RTOS are nothing but setting/clearing one bit.  

Now let’s add few more technicalities to it.

Somebody-1 above normally would be tasks which would wait for something. And sombebody-2 could be another Task or ISR.
In fact many embedded applications work this way, ISR gets triggered and as ISR handlers should be very small, they normal set an event and exit. So it serves both purposed ISR finishes quickly and also your application logic of waiting gets out of ISR. (in fact this is the most widely approach of designing ISR/task based applications).  

Why not use Setting/Clearing of bits than Events? What extra ROTS event handling adds apart from setting clearing bits?

a)      First and for most, whenever RTOS calls are setting/clearing event bit that part of kernel code is 100% atomic and safe. I mean, as done for other parts of kernel, when updating (here setting/clearing bit) interrupts are disabled.
      (Imagine you try to mimic the events and you are about to clear the bit and suddenly and ISR comes which tries to set the same bit. Well, that would be it for your logic.)  
If you have access to MQX source it would be fun exercise to trace the implementation of set/get event.

b)      Option to wait for single event (one event) or many events in single call.
_event_wait_all -> if you choose this one your wait call would be blocked until all the events(bits) you specified in the mask are set.
_event_wait_any -> if any of the events(bit) specified in the mask is triggered.

c)       RTOS has data structure called run queue and blocked queue. So event wait call need not be a infinite for loop. If you are implementing the events try to think how would be your WaitEvent call. As you don't have those data structure it would have to be infinite loop.
      RTOS has that(run, blocked queue) info, so when it hits a event wait call, it puts that task to blocked list. When it receives the event it checks the blocked queue and puts that task to ready queue.
      Infinite loop are big NO in embedded systems. As in that case, CPU would be performing loop operation and consuming power.

d)      Option to unblock all the tasks. Suppose 3 tasks are waiting for an event, and event is received. There in an option in MQX which would automatically clear the event as soon as it arrives and unblock all the tasks.

e)      You can also pass timer parameter to the wait event calls, means you will only be blocked for x mill secs.

BTW, MQX comes with two type of event handling, one with lightweight event handling and second one is (let’s say) normal event handling. Lightweight APIs are targeted to single processor systems while other one can handle more than one processor. Remember, in first MQX  post when I said MQX can handle more than one processors.

 PS: I intentionally have avoided to put the API names, thinking behind this is concepts are more important than the API names.

Continue reading about events here

One interesting MQX problem I faced can be found here

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